Doctors of Death Inc.
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Feature list, What's new? Empty Feature list, What's new?

Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:25 am
Message reputation : 100% (2 votes)
We didn't realise when we created these forums just how rich the features and resources would be, with this we have some great news regarding ease of access and content creation features. you can find all the relevant information on these features below.

PWA: Progressive Web App - This feature is fairly new technology to forums, it allows you as members on PC or an Android device to download a desktop app for our forums,  you can access this by visiting our website and selecting the customization settings in the top right corner (the three vertical dots) on that list providing you are on our homepage will be an option to "Install Doctors of Death" once you click install it will automatically add a little icon like your other Apps to your home screen, this allows you to easily access the forums and content we have. You can remove the App by Un-Installing it the same way using the three vertical dots you will see in the top right corner of the App window next to the minimize button. If you just wish to use this forum on your mobile without the App it's fully optimised for Mobile, Tablet and PC, If you are on Mobile or Tablet you can make use of our "Dark Theme" found in the navigation section, although typing in the chatbox with Dark Theme active makes it hard to see writing but everything else works fine with Dark Theme.

Articles -  The Articles feature can be found in the navigation bar at the top of the forum. This feature allows users to create guides, walkthroughs and news posts for their favourite games which can then be linked in future megathread posts or your own person guide index on the games respective forum. This article feature does not optimise 100% on mobile versions of the website, though it has only been viewed on Iphone so far so we are not sure if its specific to that brand of device. We are going to try find a resolution for the text formatting or hope the hosts we use correct the coding on mobile versions. you can still view articles amd content on this feature, it's just not formatted the same as desktop versions.

Points Systems - We have implemented 3 points systems on this forum, and an automatic ranking system. The points systems award you for Posts you make, replies you make, friends you make and achieving set post totals. The Crew Rep counter is reliant on crew members giving you positive rep, so the nicer you are, the more rep you will attain. There are limits on how often you can give rep and how many times a day you can give it. This is to stop people abusing the features.

Trading Centers - Any games we feature that have an in-game trading system will have their own featured Trade Centers, this feature is an Ad based system which allows you to list items for trade, sale or swap depending on if the game itself allows each of those things. These trade centers have strict rules which are visible during post creation, we prohibit the sale or advertisement of any modded accounts, items or offers to exchange any game items for real life cash.

Profile Functionality - Each member has their own profile which has Comments sections, contact and PM features and personal information fields. As well as a friend/foe system to help you keep in touch easier and see which of your crew buddies are online. more features will be added to user profiles and to your customisation options over time.

Gallery - This feature is currently disabled while we re-make all the buttons and icons for it, when it's enabled it will allow members to create their own albums to share their best screenshots and captures, we hope eventually a video version of this will be added for clips too.

Updated post editor - We have enabled a new way to edit posts which removes the need to use BBCode to format things, if you hover over the last icon on the post editor menu (it looks like a piece of paper) you will notice it says "Switch Editor Mode" the way to tell if its enabled is to click the Bold text icon, if it gives BBCode the editor is set to basic and you need to click the piece of paper looking thing to switch, if it gives nothing then your text should be bold automatically if you type, this applies to all features in the editor when its switched on so you can view your post in all its glory as you create it.

Username Tags - We now have the ability to tag each other by name across the forums and the recipient of the tag receives a notification that they've been mentioned. we hope over time this feature will help in terms of alerting staff to issues and also to help with us being more social. It's a pretty basic feature but if you hover over a tagged persons name it brings up a little mini-profile with forum contact options like PM and visit profile which is quite neat.

For now those are a brief list of updates and features we have enabled or added. We would like to ask members if they see any icons or option buttons that are in french that they let us know what page they saw them on and what it said, These are default icons which we are currently replacing with custom made ones though we dont exactly know what pages some of them are on or what features theyre attached to so we would appreciate if you could keep an eye out and let us know!

While we are working out these teething issues, be sure to leave us feedback and improvements for things that seem out of place.

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